Set Ocpp Network Connection¶
Used to configure the OCPP network connection parameters as CSMS url, basic auth password, security profile and charging station identity.
This message can be triggered by Manufacturer, to configure the OCPP network connection parameters.
If the request is accepted, a reset is required for the changes to take effect.
Topic: cs/josev. Used to request Josev to update the OCPP network connection parameters |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
format |
uuid |
const |
set_ocpp_network_connection |
const |
request |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
type |
string |
type |
string |
pattern |
^(ws|wss):// |
type |
integer |
maximum |
3 |
minimum |
1 |
allOf |
if |
properties |
type |
integer |
minimum |
2 |
then |
properties |
type |
string |
pattern |
^wss:// |
else |
properties |
type |
string |
pattern |
^(ws):// |
message = {
"id": "2b0aa109-21a1-4f2f-bdbd-6cdf139e7bb1",
"name": "set_ocpp_network_connection",
"type": "request",
"data": {
"csms_url": "wss://", # CSMS url should not include the charger ocpp's identity
"security_profile": 2, # The security profile as defined in the OCPP 2.0.1. ed 3 specification, section 1.3.
"identity": "cs_id", # Optional
"basic_auth_password": "dummy-password" # Optional
Topic: josev/cs. Used to reply to Manufacturer with the result of the update of the OCPP network connection |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
format |
uuid |
const |
set_ocpp_network_connection |
const |
response |
type |
object |
properties |
enum |
accepted, rejected |
type |
string |
message = {
"id": "2b0aa109-21a1-4f2f-bdbd-6cdf139e7bb1",
"name": "set_ocpp_network_connection",
"type": "response",
"data": {
"status": "accepted", # or "rejected"
"reason": "No CSMS Root certificate installed", # Optional