Set Ocpp Network Connection ++++++++++++++ .. admonition:: Description. :class: seealso Used to configure the OCPP network connection parameters as CSMS url, basic auth password, security profile and charging station identity. .. admonition:: NOTE :class: tip This message can be triggered by Manufacturer, to configure the OCPP network connection parameters. If the request is accepted, a reset is required for the changes to take effect. .. admonition:: NOTE :class: attention .. jsonschema:: ../../../schemas/SetOcppNetworkConnectionRequest.json :hide_key: /**/additionalProperties Example:: message = { "id": "2b0aa109-21a1-4f2f-bdbd-6cdf139e7bb1", "name": "set_ocpp_network_connection", "type": "request", "data": { "csms_url": "wss://", # CSMS url should not include the charger ocpp's identity "security_profile": 2, # The security profile as defined in the OCPP 2.0.1. ed 3 specification, section 1.3. "identity": "cs_id", # Optional "basic_auth_password": "dummy-password" # Optional } } .. jsonschema:: ../../../schemas/SetOcppNetworkConnectionResponse.json :hide_key: /**/additionalProperties Example:: message = { "id": "2b0aa109-21a1-4f2f-bdbd-6cdf139e7bb1", "name": "set_ocpp_network_connection", "type": "response", "data": { "status": "accepted", # or "rejected" "reason": "No CSMS Root certificate installed", # Optional } } }