Certificate Installation Status¶
This message is intended to inform the OEM whenever a keystore certificate (certificates owned by the charging station) has been successfully installed, deleted or the installation failed. This allows the OEM to decide what to do with the corresponding private key (TPM handled).
Topic: josev/cs. Used to notify OEM of an update in the certificate status. |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
format |
uuid |
const |
certificate_installation_status |
const |
update |
type |
object |
properties |
enum |
charging_station_certificate, v2g_certificate |
type |
string |
enum |
installed, deleted, failed_installation |
"id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"name": "certificate_installation_status",
"type": "update",
"data": {
"certificate_type": "charging_station_certificate",
"status": "installed"