ISO15118 EV Certificate¶
Message used to inform the CS that the EV wants to install/update certificates.
The request will contain a base64 encoded version of the EXI byte stream of the
message sent by the EVCC to the SECC in ISO 15118. The OCPP will forward this request to the CSMS.The idea is to forward this request to Hubject through their OPCP (Open Plug and Charge Protocol) API and get the
message that the SECC shall forward to the EVCC
Topic: iso15118/ocpp. Used to inform OCPP that the EV would like to install a new certificate. OCPP forwards this request to the CSMS. |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
type |
string |
const |
request |
type |
object |
properties |
enum |
install, update |
enum |
urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgDef, urn:iso:std:iso:15118:-20:CommonMessages |
type |
string |
"id": "1",
"name": "iso15118_get_ev_certificate",
"type": "request",
"data": {
"action": "install", // or update
"iso15118_schema_version": "urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgDef", // or "urn:iso:std:iso:15118:-20:CommonMessages"
"exi_request": "AAAAAAAAbcd123595ffcbcaff212424"
Topic: ocpp/iso15118. Used to pass the exi response to EV. |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
type |
string |
const |
response |
type |
object |
properties |
enum |
accepted, failed |
type |
string |
"id": "1",
"name": "iso15118_get_ev_certificate",
"type": "response",
"data": {
"status": "accepted", //or "failed"
"exi_response": "A24ede1A24ede1A3595ffcbcaff212424ede111aaccbbbb54"