ISO15118 State Information¶
Topics: iso15118/ocpp and josev/cs. Used to inform OCPP about the status of an ISO15118 charging session. |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
format |
uuid |
const |
iso15118_state_info |
const |
update |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
enum |
Idle, SessionSetup, SupportedAppProtocol, ServiceDiscovery, ServiceDetail, CertificateInstallation, ServiceSelection, AuthorizationSetup, Authorization, ChargeParameterDiscovery, CableCheck, PreCharge, PowerDelivery, ChargingLoop, MeteringReceipt, ScheduleExchange, WeldingDetection, SessionStop |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
enum |
enum |
ISO_15118_2, ISO_15118_20_AC, ISO_15118_20_DC, ISO_15118_20_WPT, ISO_15118_20_ACDP, DIN_SPEC_70121, UNKNOWN |
enum |
Pause, Terminate, ServiceRenegotiation |
The “info” field represents various information pertaining to the states listed below:
If SessionSetup, then info would contain the session id that was chosen. If ServiceSelection, then selected payment option would be present. If supportAppProtocol, then the chosen protocol would be present.
"id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"name": "iso15118_state_info",
"type": "update",
"data": {
"evse_id": "DE*SEV*E123456789",
"session_status": "SessionSetup" // "Idle", SupportedAppProtocol", "ServiceDiscovery", "ServiceSelection", "ScheduleExchange", "AuthorizationSetup", "Authorization", "ChargeParameterDiscovery", "CableCheck", "PreCharge", "PowerDelivery", "ChargingLoop", "MeteringReceipt", "SessionStop"
"info": {
"session_id": "XXXXX", // Optional
"selected_payment_option": "EIM", // "PNC" (Optional)
"protocol": "ISO_15118_2", // "ISO_15118_20_AC", "ISO_15118_20_DC", "ISO_15118_20_WPT", "ISO_15118_20_ACDP", "DIN_SPEC_70121", "UNKNOWN" (Optional)
"stop_action": "Pause", // "Terminate", "ServiceRenegotiation" (Optional)
} // Optional