Display Params ++++++++++++++++ .. _display_params: This message shares information received from the EV during charging loop. This message is relevant to DINSPEC, 15118-2 DC and 15118-20. In the case for 15118-2 AC, no information is shared by the EV so no update message would be sent. .. warning:: All fields except evse_id in the message are optional. Only the fields shared by the EV will be present in the update message. .. jsonschema:: ../../../schemas/DisplayParamsUpdate.json :hide_key: /**/additionalProperties Example:: { "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "name": "display_params", "type": "update", "data": { "evse_id": "GB*SEV*123456789", "present_soc": 79, "charging_complete": false, "min_soc": 20, "target_soc": 20, "max_soc": 100, "remaining_time_to_min_soc": 0, "remaining_time_to_max_soc": 300, "remaining_time_to_target_soc": 280, "battery_energy_capacity": 12345.4, "inlet_hot": false } }