Display and Personal Message ++++++++++++++++ .. _display_and_personal_message: This message contains customer-specific or generic pricing data intended to be displayed in a screen. The value of the field `display_msg_trigger_reason` has the following interpretation: * display_message, indicates that the message contains generic pricing information. * Authorized, indicates that the message contains customer-specific pricing information. * Updated, indicates that the message contains updated pricing information. * Ended, indicates that the message contains the total cost and invoice data of the session. .. jsonschema:: ../../../schemas/DisplayAndPersonalMsgUpdate.json :hide_key: /**/additionalProperties Example:: { "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "name": "display_and_personal_msg", "type": "update", "data": { "display_msg_trigger_reason": "ended", "content": "$2.81 @ $0.12/kWh, $0.50 @ $1/h, TOTAL KWH: 23.4 TIME: 03.50 COST: $3.31. Visit www.cpo.com/invoices/13546 for an invoice of your session.", "message_state": "charging", # Optional "total_cost": 3.31, # Optional "language": "en-US", # Optional "priority": "always_front", # Optional "evse_id": "DE*SEV*E123456789", # Optional "currency": "USD", # Optional "qr_code_text": "https://www.cpo.com/invoices/13546", # Optional "start_date_time": "2024-05-01T00:00:00Z", # Optional "end_date_time": "2024-05-01T01:30:00Z" # Optional } }