Charging Station Contactor ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. admonition:: Description. :class: seealso This message is to communicate to the CS to control the main power contactor. .. admonition:: IMPORTANT. :class: warning For AC and DC this message is being sent **after** PowerDeliveryReq. For DC in specific, this message is also sent **during** CableCheck. .. admonition:: Note. :class: note In general a contactor is closed when the following requirements are met: Positive Authorization (External, PnC, ...) Detection of state C/D A contactor shall be opened in case: 1. Of an emergency stop 2. Authorization to stop charging (including remote stop operation) 3. No state C or D detected any longer 4. Or any other error .. jsonschema:: ../../../schemas/CsContactorStatusRequest.json :hide_key: /**/additionalProperties Example:: { "id": "79ac862e-d0a7-4eef-98b5-c827be3bd669", "name": "cs_contactor_status", "type": "request", "data": { "evse_id": "DE*SEV*E123456789", } } ---------- .. jsonschema:: ../../../schemas/CsContactorStatusResponse.json :hide_key: /**/additionalProperties Example:: { "id": "79ac862e-d0a7-4eef-98b5-c827be3bd669", "name": "cs_contactor_status", "type": "response", "data": { "evse_id": "DE*SEV*E123456789", "status": "closed" # "opened", # "error" "info": "" # optional field, we may fill with contactor info } } ---------- .. jsonschema:: ../../../schemas/CsContactorStatusUpdate.json :hide_key: /**/additionalProperties Example:: { "id": "79ac862e-d0a7-4eef-98b5-c827be3bd669", "name": "cs_contactor_status", "type": "update", "data": { "evse_id": "DE*SEV*E123456789", "status": "closed" # "opened", # "error" "info": "" # optional field, we may fill with contactor info } } ---------