Set Charging Profile ++++++++++++++++++++ .. admonition:: Description. :class: seealso Control the charge rate of an EVSE. The request and response defined on this page are are based on OCPP 2.0.1's SetChargingProfile. The difference with OCPP are: * `data.evse_id` is not a number, instead it's a string like "DE*SEV*E123456789" * all fields use snake_case notation, whereas OCPP uses camelCase * SalesTariffs are not supported .. jsonschema:: ../../../schemas/SetChargingProfileRequest.json :auto_reference: :hide_key: /**/additionalProperties Example:: { "id": "bb9655e5-21e0-482d-8bc1-67ffdf23539c", "name": "set_charging_profile", "type": "request", "data": { "evse_id": "GB*SEV*E123456789", "charging_profile": { "id": 1, "stack_level": 1, "charging_profile_purpose": "TxDefaultProfile", "charging_profile_kind": "Recurring", "recurrency_kind": "Daily", "charging_schedule": [ { "id": 1, "start_schedule": "2023-05-15T17:00:00+01:00", "duration": 86400, "charging_rate_unit": "A", "charging_schedule_period": [ { "start_period": 0, "limit": 10 } ] } ] } } } ---------- .. jsonschema:: ../../../schemas/SetChargingProfileResponse.json :auto_reference: :hide_key: /**/additionalProperties Example:: { "id": "bb9655e5-21e0-482d-8bc1-67ffdf23539c", "name": "set_charging_profile", "type": "response", "data": { "status": "rejected", "status_info": { "reason_code": "InvalidProfile", "additional_info": "TxProfile must contain transaction id" } } } --------